API Reference


Estimate the ITC percent or PTC rate that a project will receive when built in a specific location.

For a more detailed explanation of why a location qualifies for a specific bonuses use the Ever.green Map

IRA transferable tax credit estimate

Returns the ITC percent and PTC rate that a project can receive. A project receiving ITCs cannot also receive PTCs.

ITC Bonuses

Breakdown of the bonuses that contribute to the ITC Percent.

ITC Percent

Percent of the ITC value basis that you can recieve tax credits for. ITC value basis can be calculated as either total eligible project cost or the fair market value of the project. For more information contact us.

PTC Bonuses

Breakdown of the bonuses that contribute to the PTC Rate in units of $/MWh.

PTC Rate

Dollar amount of tax credits the project will receive for each MWh of energy produced. For more information contact us.

Notes on energy community bonus for PTC projects

If a project begins construction during a time that qualifies the location for the energy community bonus, it will receive the bonus every year that produces energy.

Otherwise the project will get the energy community bonus for every tax year where the location qualifies as an energy community for at least part of the year. For the year in which it is placed in service, it will qualify for that year if the location qualified for an energy community for at least part of the year after it was placed in service.

To see the PTC rate for your project in future years, change the taxYear parameter.

Known issues

  • Our API does not support locations outside of the United states and Puerto Rico
  • There is a very small area between some census tracts where the API might throw an error due to the location being outside of census tract boundaries. If you get this error please try another location that is inside one of the census tracts.
  • We set rate limits on our API keys. If you run into issues with this contact us at [email protected].
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